Fuck Pussy Kindan no Hyouka - Aikatsu Shesafreak
[Atelier Lunette (三国あつ子)] 禁断の氷華 (アイカツ!) [英訳] [DL版]
#326657 - I had just gotton home from work its about 7pm I strip off my work cloths and lay then on top of my dresser and sit down at my desk as I grasp my cock in one hand as I log on and check my account on an adult personal site to see if any of the woman on here responded to my messages, and to my amazement there’s actually a message for me. As he bobs his head and rolls his tongue around my cock making sure to stop and suck the head the most, I feel my balls tighten and my cock twitch, I know I’m gonna cum, I grab on to the back of his head and push it down with both hands has I explode into the back of his throat, I let go he sucks and bobs up and down some more I’m just twitching at this point and cant control my moans even if I wanted to. My thoughts go deep as fantasize about sucking a cock and then drinking the cum down as Chaz had just done…then a step further, taking a cock in my ass and riding it till my lil hole has cum dripping out of it.
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