Fun NEMESIS FULLCOLOR - To love ru Beautiful
(C86) [芝雪屋 (しばゆき)] NEMESIS FULLCOLOR (To LOVEる -とらぶる-) [英訳] [無修正]
#350311 - She shifts on his lap as she kisses him and feels the pressure that has developed inside his trousers she rests her hand against it and whispers “Do you want to?” His husky voice whispers back “He does, but I’m going to wait for you to be ready. He’d prove to her that she deserved to be loved, that these foul creatures that where all she’d known weren’t what she deserved, that the years of abuse her father’s fist had given to her weren’t her fault. As the final climax take him, the hot fluid filling her finishes her collapsing onto his chest so whispers the words that be had given so willing to the others, yet had never carried her heart and soul before, barely audible the yet they boom in the silence “I love you”, he kisses her hair and says “I always have and always will love you.
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