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#241984 - whats wrong with you harvey looked at me and said nothing your fair to busy to worry about me so i said o wow harvey really? arnt we went to fight when the baby fucking get here so i though a pillow at harvey and said you can sleep in the living room becuase im tired of this shit harvey so harvey left and when i woke up the next morning i went into the living room to find 12 read roses but harvey wasnt there so i read the card saying sorry with a love heart on it so i got my cell out and rang harvey and said thanks for my flowers baby they smell lovely so what was wrong with you last night harvey took a big breath and said im just ver tired babe thats all but i still love you even when i take it out on you i know you do baby maybe when you get home i can find a way to release your stress harvey lalughed and said im gonna hold you to it babe haha babe i dont need holding to it i can take care of it without your assistance so when harvey got home around 3ish i pulled him

Read Spreadeagle Gokuhi Tokkun Datteba Yo - Naruto Gay Baitbus Gokuhi Tokkun Datteba Yo

Most commented on Spreadeagle Gokuhi Tokkun Datteba Yo - Naruto Gay Baitbus

Tsutomu komano
Mj is nowhere near as good as lebron the more i watch the last dance the more i m convinced that lebron is the goat if the 96 bulls played the 2017 warriors then they would have no clue where these guys are pacing and spacing and how they are shooting so well too much of a tactical evolution has taken place for a player in the 90s irrespective of their dominance to be considered the best basketball player of all time
Takeru shirogane
God muthafuckin damn