Doujinshi | Manga | Anthology | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#222924 - The girls that wouldn’t get their tits out had to turn round and face the back and then a lad from the audience had to get on the normal way, facing her. Jon told me to put just my white bikini on and to adjust it so that it covered even less flesh. Every time I did she looked at me and smiled as if to say ‘keep it on please’.

Read Tribute Tokitsukaze to Isshoni Yon - Kantai collection Hispanic Tokitsukaze to Isshoni Yon

Most commented on Tribute Tokitsukaze to Isshoni Yon - Kantai collection Hispanic

Hikari kujou
Good idea on the text in the editing i do that too
Teppei kiyoshi
Mh love ur skills