Doujinshi | Manga | Anthology | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#96273 - One of the farm hands was looking at me and jerking off when I told Sir he told me to bend over and show him my pussy and when I did the man came. On our wedding night, I was a virgin and Jim told me that it was my job to please him sexually and that I had to call him Sir. That night Sir had me tied up in the barn where he whipped me again when I asked why he said so that I will learn to obey him.

Read Daring Kusurizuke Heroine wa Shirome Ahegao Ikimakuri Vol.2 Bucetinha Kusurizuke Heroine wa Shirome Ahegao Ikimakuri Vol.2

Most commented on Daring Kusurizuke Heroine wa Shirome Ahegao Ikimakuri Vol.2 Bucetinha

Minami asakura
It fucking hurts to keep jacking off after first cum how do people do this
I love you